

Lifestyle Blogger

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. I'm on a journey of self-development and growth. On this journey, I've grown deeper in my faith and God has revealed Himself to me like never before in my life! I want to share my journey with you all and pray that we can all grow together! I'm so glad that you all are here for the ride!

My Why

I decided to start this blog to chronicle my journey and also to hopefully help someone along the way! We are all on our journeys but we all need help. We all need a touch from another person. We need to see that someone else has struggled in the same way that we have, and has come through on the other side victorious! We need to see people be honest, vulnerable, and transparent in their growth so that we can be that example to another person along the way! I pray that the stories I share here resonate with someone and that God’s love will shine through me! Here I will likely talk about marriage, family, plant-based living, makeup, shopping, motherhood, and most definitely self-development! And I will talk about the love of God! I’m so excited about this journey that He has me on! And I’m so glad to take you all on this journey with me! Let’s grow together!!

Always Growing In Purpose, On Purpose!!!

Christian Confidence??

God has been helping me to build my confidence muscle for the last few months! I’ve always been a more reserved and observant person. From early childhood to my 30s, I have struggled with having confidence. Not just the confidence to do big things like doing a TEDx talk, or running for a political office. I’ve wrestled with showing up as my entire self in small group settings. I’ve muted myself instead of speaking up about how I feel about things sometimes. I’ve struggled with just having the confidence to be free in my skin! That started to change as I started seeking God and growth! Since coming into my 30s I feel as though I’ve been reborn! I’m more sure of myself than I’ve ever been! And that’s largely due to the work that I’ve been doing since my mid-20s. I got married at 24 and if nothing else holds up a mirror to you, marriage does!!! But that’s a whole different story, for another time!

So here’s the tea. Back in September of 2022, my big sis reached out to me about singing in a concert she was putting together at her church. She’s my sis so of course, my answer was yes! I found out a few weeks later that I wouldn’t just be a part of the praise team for the concert but that I was singing background vocals for the one and only Kierra Sheard Kelly!!!! And anyone that knows me knows me, like for real know me…know’s just how big a deal that was for me! I have loved KiKi since I was a kid!! So yeah that was like super exciting for a few minutes and then the self-doubt started to creep in. As soon as I recognized that self-doubt and fear rising, I became very intentional about shutting it down!! I practiced the music day and night, read my bible, and watched inspirational videos!! I kept my mind in a place of positivity!! Even the day of the concert when I woke up with my stomach having knots in it, I told myself, “I’m not nervous I’m just excited!” (Shout out to Mel Robbins that worked) And all of that hard work paid off! The concert was successful! And I am proud of myself for not allowing fear to kill my progress!

After the concert, I was speaking with another sister and she was telling me how proud she was of me for going out there and being confident!! In her words, it was the freest she’d ever seen me before! I told her that I knew that God helped me to get through it! I was able to remain in a place of positivity because I was focused on my assignment. I was able to have confidence because I wasn’t focused on what people were going to think of how I sounded and what I looked like. I remember telling her (really it was God speaking through me) that we are supposed to be like Jesus! “Jesus was humble but He never shrank or made Himself small. So why should I?” And it’s so very true. Jesus was big. Jesus was bold. Jesus was courageous. He was also loving, kind, and gentle, but he never shrank who he was, and he always showed up in his full glory. And I believe that that’s what having real confidence is!!!

I remember a few weeks later I was in prayer and just thanking God for what He was doing in my life!! I was thanking Him for changing me! I was thanking Him for giving me confidence, I’ve never had before. And while I was thanking Him, I heard him gently say, you haven’t had confidence all this time because you didn’t trust me!! Those words pierced right through to my heart and I just began to cry!! I felt the conviction of that statement but I didn’t feel condemned!!! He had to show me that a lack of confidence is a lack of faith in Him! Why do we feel unworthy of the gifts and dreams He’s placed deep within us? The dreams that we feel are much too big for us! We feel unworthy because we don’t trust what He’s said about us!! We don’t trust His judgment!! We trust God to meet our immediate physical needs but not to fulfill the dreams that He has put in us!! That’s crazy!!

I’m so glad that He loves me enough to show me how messed up my thinking is sometimes!!! God told me that so that I can continue to grow!!! There is liberation in really trusting God! Now I know that whatever I need is in Him and the responsibility is on him!!! It’s so freeing!! And it’s overwhelming when you realize just how much God loves you!!! He loves me so much that He spoke those words to me!! I am forever changed!!! I am forever grateful!!! And I’m grateful for the Godfidence He’s given me!! And I know that it’s a muscle! The more I use it and just trust God to be God, it will become second nature! I pray that this is helpful to someone! I pray that you can find your confidence in God!!! Moving forward be confident in God and follow His leading! He literally cannot fail!

Forgotten Grace

A few nights ago I had a dream. In this dream, I was talking to my dad about forgotten grace. It was just the two of us talking; but during the conversation, the more we actively remembered God’s grace, the more the other people in the house began to remember. We all began to cry and praise God for His neverending love and unfathomable grace toward us! The presence of the Lord filled the house as we all gave thanks unto Him! When I woke up I still had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I almost cried as I sat there and thought about the dream and memories flooded my mind of the many graces that I’ve been so privileged to see! Then the words “forgotten grace” kept playing over and over in my ears.

I know that we all go through things. Bills keep coming every month like we haven’t paid enough!! Sometimes our health isn’t what we want it to be. Medical bills can be extremely stress-inducing! Even the good things in our lives (jobs, school, parents, spouses, children, family, and friends) can cause us immense stress if we allow them to! And that’s where forgotten grace comes into play! We constantly think about our issues. We continuously complain and talk about them too. When we do this we magnify them!! We enlarge them to the point of not being able to see God at all in our storms!! We lose sight of God and all the amazing things He’s done for us!! He has a confounding track record!! Yet we still don’t recognize His greatness!

If we just take the time to actively remember God’s many graces toward us, we would see things differently!! What you focus on becomes magnified in your mind, your words, and ultimately your life! Imagine how God feels seeing us choose to focus on struggle and lack! He’s literally the ruler of everything! Our Creator. And for those of us that love Him and have accepted Him as the King of our lives, He’s our Father! As our Father, there’s no good thing that he will withhold from us! It’s all about what we’re magnifying though!! There’s absolutely nothing that can beat our amazing God! He cannot fail!! So there’s absolutely no reason to magnify our problems!! There’s an old song that says count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings see what God has done! It’s a reminder to live in a place of gratitude!! I have seen literal miracles take place right before my eyes. And even with those experiences I still have to remind myself to be grateful!! Every day!!! He gives us new mercies daily!!! We truly have an amazing God!! I pray that you all choose to actively remember his grace, his love in action!!! Remember all the ways He has shown you that He loves you!!! Not because of how much you have or anything you can do. He loves you just as yourself! He knew you from the foundation of the world!! And He shows His love daily! God wants us to remember him! From now on don’t think about how big your problems are, remind yourself how big your God is!! I love yall!

It Takes a Village!

I’m sure that you all have heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I agree with that statement but I’d like to change it up a bit! It takes a village! Period! Full stop! We all need people! I’ll repeat that for emphasis, “We ALL need people!!” We need community! We need love. We need friendships! Even Jesus, who was God in the flesh, had 12 friends that followed him closely. Yes, they were his disciples but they were his friends too! He needed community and we do too!

Having a strong support system is vital for our overall well-being, and a village can provide just that. Whether it's family, friends, or neighbors, having people in our lives who we can turn to in times of need can make all the difference. A village can offer emotional support, practical help, and a sense of belonging. When we feel supported, we are better equipped to handle life's challenges and achieve our goals.

Are you surrounded by the right people? Do the people you commune with challenge you to grow? Do they push you? Do they offer comfort when you need it? The people you surround yourself with are the plants in the garden you eat from! It’s your job to make sure that you’re surrounded by relationships that nourish your soul! And to make sure that you are providing nourishment to the people you are in relationship with. To me, it’s just as important to add value to the lives of my people as it is for me to receive from them.

I’m so very grateful for my village! My tribe has spoken life into me when I needed it. I’ve gotten encouragement at moments when I felt hopeless! I’ve even had people in my tribe invest in me financially!! That’s such a privilege!! It’s humbling to know that someone believes in you and your vision so much that they’ll put their hard-earned dollars behind you!! I have people that make sure to take time out of their day to pour into me and encourage me! It is because of my support system that I have the confidence that I do right now! I’m taking on things that I’ve thought about for years but haven’t felt like I could achieve success in those areas. Having the right support is key to growth and success!!! I can’t name all of my tribe but I’ll say this, I’m eternally grateful for my husband, children, parents, tons of sisters (both blood-related and chosen family), and my brothers! I’m grateful for the mentors I’ve had! I’m grateful for my godparents both near and far! I’m grateful for the examples of love, faithfulness, and endurance I’ve had over the years!! I’m grateful for the business owners in my life!!! I see you and understand now how much you’re putting into your dreams and betting on yourself!!! I’m super proud of you all!!! And I’m taking notes!!

God has placed people in my life that are helping me to become the woman that He created me to be!!! I’m grateful every day for my tribe and God’s love being shown through them! I pray that each and every one of you reading this post has an amazing tribe! I pray that you have people of integrity and intentionality in your life! I pray that you don’t underestimate the power of a village. If you don’t have a village you need to invest in your relationships and build a strong support system today. If you feel like you are an island, there are so many more ways to make connections with people these days! There’s social media now!! Even if hundreds of people don’t vibe with you, you’re bound to find many others that do! Sometimes we just have to take the first step of putting ourselves out there!!! I pray that God will lead you to your people!! Trust Him, reach out, and watch what happens!!! And for those that do have a village make sure that you are showing your appreciation for your people! Make sure that you pray for them. Send words of encouragement without them telling you that they’re feeling down! Better yet find out their love languages and be intentional about showing them love in a way that they can receive it!! I love you all!! God bless!!

Get Somewhere and Sat Down

Almost 2 weeks ago, I received news that knocked the wind out of me! Someone very special to me passed away! Casey Darnell Hayes Sr. This man came into my life when I was a child and became instant family!! I basically grew up over at the house with him, his beautiful wife, Yvette Hayes, daughters, Candace and Kiersten Hayes, and son, Casey Jr. aka Little Bear! Yvette and Casey made me Godsister of Kiersten! So that automatically made them my Godparents!! Lol! And they always treated me as family!! Always!! I was even in their wedding. When my parents split up Casey and Yvette stepped up and nurtured us. They were such an integral part of my village and my story! So many memories from that house flood my mind as I write this! So many lessons learned! So much love shared! And so very many laughs!!! If you knew Casey, you know that he absolutely loved to laugh!! I think that’s a huge part of why myself, my siblings, and friends from the church, aka the crew or BFC Club (if you know you know), spent so much time over there!! Not only did Yvette and Casey provide us a safe space to just be kids; but we always laughed until our cheeks and stomachs hurt when we were there!!! Casey enjoyed making us laugh!! He was always good for a joke!!! Which brings me to the title of this post! “Get somewhere and sat down!” was one of his many sayings that we would hear constantly!!! It was always said jokingly but most of the time it was about someone who really needed to do just that!! Also, I know that it’s not proper English but that’s how he said it!! It was literally one of my favorite things to hear!! He would say it at church, the store, or anywhere people were acting up and needed to get it together! And of course, he would always get a laugh out of us (the crew)!

As with many black sayings “Get somewhere and sat down!’ can have many different meanings. It could mean, “Stop acting silly.” It could mean, “Get your life together!” It could mean, “Get somewhere and sit down” (this is typically used when talking to children). It could mean, “You need to rethink what you’re doing or about to do.” For this period in my life, I take it to mean taking time and space to get in a place of quiet. A place where I’m not concerned with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A place of meditation. A place where I’m not listening to all of the voices around me or in the media, music, social feeds, etc. A place where I’m alone with God. A place where I can hear Him clearly! It’s so very important to make time and create space to commune with God. It’s important to have clear and open communication with Him! Many times I’ve gotten so carried away with just doing life that I forgot the importance of building and maintaining a real relationship with Him! It’s more than just saying your prayers at in the morning, when you eat, and at night before bed. God is a real person! He’s our father!! And as such we have to approach our relationship with Him in a similar way! He wants a genuine relationship with us!! He wants us to talk to him, consult him, and even just sit with Him. He wants to talk to us!! But how can we hear Him if we’re constantly on the go? If we’re consumed with being mothers, wives, husbands, fathers, sons, daughters, employees, employers, etc, then where does He fit in? He wants to know and feel that we love and value Him! How can he know that we value Him if we’re not making time for Him? These things wouldn’t work in any other relationship and they won’t work with God either!!! So I dare you to join me in making time and creating space for a real relationship with our Father!!! Get somewhere and Sat Down!!! Love you all!!

Also please remember the Hayes family in prayer! Casey was such a beautiful soul and he is truly missed!!!

My prayer for his wife, children, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc is that God will send ministering angels to comfort your hearts in this time of grieving! I pray that you all will have random memories of laughter and joy enter your hearts and that they will bring with them a smile and the reassurance that he is still with you in your hearts! I pray that the family can take solace in knowing that Casey had a real relationship with God and is with Him now! I pray that joy fills your hearts when you think of seeing him again in Heaven! I pray that in the moments that seem too much to bear that God will do what He always does and carry you through those moments. I pray that the weight of grief is lightened by the love of God and the love you share as a family! Amen

Love is his Legacy




























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Handwritten Ampersand Sign



















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Coming Soon...


My Father

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